Ecological Laboratories Inc. has developed a series of bacterial cultures to enhance the biological breakdown process in industrial and municipal wastewater systems. MICROBE-LIFT® IND Series liquid and dry cultures are culture concentrates designed specifically for use in wastewater systems to achieve rapid startup, rapid recovery from upsets, the optimum level of system performance and improved system stability.


  • Rapid Startup & System Recovery
  • Improves Solids Settling & Reduces Sludge
  • Reduces BOD, COD and TSS in Final Effluent
  • Improves Nitrification
  • Improves Cold Weather Performance
  • Solves your most difficult waste management problems when used in a controlled maintenance program.
  • Significantly Reduces Waste Odors
  • Reduces Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Digests Solid Organic Wastes & Fats - Oils - Grease (FOG)
  • Reduces Organic Dyes in Textile Plants.
  • Degrades Hydrocarbons
  • Improves WWTP Capacity.
  • Helps Establish and Improve Nitrification
  • Reduces Corrosion through Hydrogen Sulfide Removal....
Case Studies

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Improves Efficiency of Anaerobic Digesters in Columbia - Preventing Costly Expansion

Location: Empresas Publicas, Columbia

Background: Ecological Laboratories Inc. was contacted by Empresas Publicas to determine if bioaugmentation with MICROBE-LIFT® technology could assist in the operation of their anaerobic digesters. The facility consisted of two anaerobic digesters of 7,900 m3 each. The average flow rate was 1.8 m3 per second giving an average hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 21 days. The VSS reduction being achieved prior to the bioaugmentation program was approximately 30% for both reactors.

Objective: The objective of the program was to reduce odors associated with the operation of their anaerobic digesters and improve VSS reduction. After thorough evaluation of their system, a plan was developed using MICROBE-LIFT® technology. On the first day, the reactors were dosed at a rate of 12 mg/l based on the volume of the reactors. Thereafter, a weekly dose of 4 mg/l was applied for the next four weeks, followed by a 1.5 mg/l weekly maintenance dose.

Results Achieved: Six weeks after the initial dosage, VSS reduction had been increased to 37% versus a target of 50%. This improvement allowed the plant to handle the existing load without the immediate addition of a third reactor.

The plant also achieved significant reduction in odors in and around the plant.

  • Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) Reduction of 37.0%
  • Increased Plant Capacity
  • Offset Costs Related to Plant Expansion.
  • Significant Reduction of Odors

Bioaugmentation with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Reduces Sludge Production 20% Allowing Digester to Handle Increased Load

Location: City of Busan (formerly Pusan), South Korea

Background: Busan is the second largest metropolis in South Korea. With a population of 3.6 million, it is second in size only to Seoul. With rapid urban development the city of Busan was continually challenged with increasing wastewater treatment demand. The city’s anaerobic digester was only functioning at 70% of design efficiency based on volatile suspended solids (VSS) reduction.

Objective: In 1999, Ecological Laboratories was approached by the City of Pusan in Korea about the use of one of it’s bacterial products to improve the efficiency of it’s anaerobic digestors, which were functioning at 70% of design efficiency based on volatile suspended solids (VSS) reduction. While a version of the product had been used in septic tanks, primarily an anaerobic environment, with good success, the product had not been applied to commercial size anaerobic digestors.
Pilot studies were conducted in 5,000-liter pilot reactors that remained from the original design work on the digestors. With encouraging results achieved in the pilot trials, field trials were later pursued.

Results Achieved: Within 90 days the VSS reduction went from 70% of design efficiency to 130% of design efficiency. The plant has continued to use the product with the exception of one year during which an alternate product from a Japanese supplier was used and the plant efficiency returned to the 70% VSS reduction efficiency observed prior to the bioaugmentation with MICROBE-LIFT®/IND. The following year when the MICROBE-LIFT®/IND was again added, the digestors again resumed the 130% VSS reduction observed the first time with the MICROBE-LIFT®/IND.

Odor & Solids Reduction at Wastewater Treatment Plant on Resort Island in Southeast Georgia

Location: WWTP on Resort Island in Southeast Georgia

PROBLEM: A WWTP in Southeast Georgia located on a resort island has a 3 million gallon per day flow. The WWTP was experiencing major odor problems at the head of the plant, as well as poor digestion and settling of bio-solids in the SBR’s and aerobic digesters. The odors were primarily H2S and were the source of numerous complaints from the residents living in the vicinity of the WWTP. The plant was hauling and disposing an average of 125 to 150 tons of bio-solids per month at a cost of approximately $60 per ton, which equates to $7,500 to $9,000 total average hauling/disposal charges per month.

SOLUTION:MICROBE-LIFT®/IND was added to the influent of the wastewater stream approximately 100 yards before the head of the plant. The product was added at a rate of 3-4 PPM of the daily flow volume (3 million gallons). Odors were immediately reduced at the head of the plant. Within 2 days the plant operator began to see a significant reduction in solids in the SBR’s as well as the digesters.
The WWTP was treated for a period of 30 days at a rate of 3-4 PPM. The plant operator also added 2.5 gallons of product directly into the digesters each day.

Results: During the first month of treatment the odors being generated at the head of the plant were dramatically reduced. No odor complaints from the residents were received during first month of application. The total waste solids for the 30-day period were reduced from an average of 125 tons to 4 tons (96.8% reduction). The plant saved $7,260 in hauling/disposal expense during the month. The improvement in overall plant operation also allowed for fewer man-hours being needed to run the plant.

  • MICROBE-LIFT®/IND feed at a rate pf 3 PPM during the month of September.
  • Saved WWTP $7,000 in hauling and disposal fees.
  • Dramatic Reduction in Odor at Plant & Surrounding Community
  • 96.8% Reduction in Total Waste Solids within 30 days
  • Reduced Manpower & Improved Plant Operation

Bangladesh CEPT Textile Wastewater Treatment Program

Reduction of Odor at Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal”, Podolsk, Russia

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Reduced Hydrogen Sulfide Odor in Rock Quarry by a Dramatic 86%

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Helps Pharmaceutical Plant in Saudi Arabia Avoid Shutdown

Polymer Manufacturer in Texas Utilizes MICROBE-LIFT® Technology to Improve Effluent Quality

Major Paint Manufacturer Utilizes MICROBE-LIFT® Technology to Effectively Resolve Odor Problem

Palm Oil Mill Achieves Wastewater Effluent Goals in Sabah, Malaysia with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Helps Blue Jean Stone Washer Improve Effluent Quality

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Speeds the Breakdown of Plant Litter at a Guatemalan Banana Plantation

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Speeds Sugar Cane Waste Composting while Producing Higher Quality Fertilizer

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Improves Effluent Quality for Brewery in Vietnam

Grease and Odors are Eliminated and the Treatment System is Restored at a Dairy In Panama

New England Apple Juice Processor Solves Odor Problems with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

New Alternative in the Treatment of Residual Wastewater at Coca Cola Bottling Plant in San Salvador

Ohio Bakery Reduces FOG in Pretreatment Effluent with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

Cheese Factory Optimizes Treatment System and Resolves Odor Problem with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Eliminates the Need for Capital Investment at a Rendering Plant in Guatemala

Egg Processor in Belgium Achieves COD Compliance & Reduces Odor with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

Poultry Slaughterhouse in Karak, Jordan Achieves Compliance with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

Biopreparations & Application of MICROBE-LIFT®/IND and MICROBE-LIFT®/SA

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Helps Remediate TPH Contaminated Soils

Compliance Environmental confirms PCB transformer oil degradation in bioremediation test

Effectiveness Of MICROBE-LIFT® Bacteria Mixture In Bioremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils at Mostardi-Platt Plant

Successful In Situ Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils in South Africa

“Successful Applications of Bioaugmentation for Reducing Sludge Output from Biological WWT Plants & Anaerobic Digestors”

Sludge Reduction & Cost Savings at Sequential Batch Reactor Plant in Southern Pennsylvania

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Speeds Compost Processing & Reduces Odor while Producing Higher Quality Compost in Donegal, UK

Shoal Lake Lagoon Treatment with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Ensures Rapid Start-up in Spring in Manitoba, Canada

Pusan, Korea Achieve 20% Sludge Reduction Allowing Digester to Handle Increased Loading

California City Reduces Lift Station Maintenance with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

Bioaugmentation Remediates Heavy Organic Loading in Municipal Oxidation Pond in Drakenstein, South Africa

An Average Reduction In Sludge of Approximately 20% Was Observed at Zutphen Plant in the Netherlands

Municipal Lagoon Treatment Efficacy Was Restored in LaCosta, Uruguay with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology

Well-Operated Municipal Plant Achieves $130,000 Cost Savings from MICROBE-LIFT® Technology in Deutsch-Wagram, Austria

Bioaugmentation with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Reduces Sludge Production by over 25% in Zeeland, Holland

A Major Oil Company in Hong Kong Remediates Subsurfacearbon Contamination with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Hydroc

Hydrogen Sulfide Reduction and Corrosion Control – Industrial/Municipal Application at Stone Container in Savannah, Georgia

Bioaugmentation with MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Remediates Polluted Drainage Retention Pond in Penang, Malaysia

MICROBE-LIFT® Technology Reduces BOD, COD, and TSS and Helps Lower H2S at Kibbutz in Israel

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