Case Studies
The biological system managed to reduce COD from 1000 mg/L to about 300 mg/L from original value of 1000 mg/L to 700 mg/L within one month of Microbe-Lift bioaugmentation.
Ecological Asia Pte Ltd (EAsia) works closely with the owner of CETP, Flagship Ecosystem Investments Pte Ltd, Singapore to improve the biological treatment with Microbe-Lift Bioremediation technology. The success of this project is used as a case reference worldwide.
A seventy-year-old rock quarry was receiving numerous complaints from local businesses concerning odors being generated by the quarry. This quarry was producing H2S levels as high as 154 ppm. Attempts had been made to mask the odors with
fragrances but the effects had been minimal at best.
A water-soluble polymer manufacturer was having difficulty with an activated sludge treatment system that failed to meet permit limits. The treatment system was designed with an initial flocculation phase, whereby the pH was adjusted to 12 or above, followed by an anaerobic treatment phase, which discharged to a typical aerobic activated sludge treatment process.
Glidden, America’s third largest paint company had been experiencing odor problems in their 2 MG lagoon system during the warm summer months at their Ohio plant. With warmer temperatures and high manufacturing level, the system would tend to go anaerobic releasing noxious odors that upset the local community.
This palm oil mill was having difficulty meeting effluent requirements due to build-up of sludge in its treatment lagoons. This mill was under pressure from the government to meet effluent requirements and from the surrounding area residents to eliminate tremendous malodor emanating from the lagoon system. This company was aware of the substantial cost of dredging the lagoon and was looking for a more cost-effective solution.
Typical of most banana plantations, this operation left plant litter such as leaves and stalks on the floor of the banana stand in order to decompose and return nutrients to the soil to support new growth. However, it takes significant time for this litter to decompose or “compost” slowing the availability of needed nutrients.