Case Studies
One of the major costs associated with the operation of biological wastewater treatment is the handling and disposal of sludges generated primarily in the conversion of soluble organics as measured by BOD/COD into either carbon dioxide (aerobic) or methane (anaerobic), water and bacterial cells. Often times the sludge generated in either of these processes may be subsequently treated in a digestor to reduce the volatile suspended solids (VSS) volume for disposal. Bioaugmentation with certain microbial consortia has been shown to lower the generation of solids in both aerobic and anaerobic wastewater processes by reducing the yield coefficient (y), as well as enhancing the efficiency of digestors designed to reduce the volume of solids for disposal.

MICROBE-LIFT®/HOG was designed for use in manure pits where it has been used successfully for over thirty years. One of the major benefits provided by this technology is substantial reduction in sulfur‐containing odors.